Thursday, February 21, 2008
n bu!ss!w
Sunday, February 17, 2008
你 成了我生命姿彩
有一段时间没写歌了,今晚忽然心血来潮……其实,“你”这首歌早早就有了开头verse 1,但也只停留在开头很久。哈哈 ^、^ 老实说,这首歌还不算完整,总觉得还差了些什么,但就是想把它写出来。算是我的任性吧?在成熟的人,也有权利偶尔任性一下吧?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Cell group CNY celebration

My spiritual mummie (^_^)
Then we proceeded to KTV and had a KTV out of the usual.... Becos... A blackout happened and all was pitch black. This was what happened during the blackout (shot by my camera with flash):
Hmm... Mummie wants to drink milk... Had her fill I guess =p
Btw, the sister on her right was shouting “不要摸我”all the way during the black out... Apparently, nobody touched her and she was just 暗爽-ing. Kekeke (>o<) I've got a bunch of weird but fun-loving and adorable sisters. Haha.
Two loving sisters... Aw.... (~^_^~)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Well well, let me wish all friends a happy and blessed Chinese New Year! Happy birthday (人日)! And of course, a happy Valentine's Day! Yes yes, I know, they are all belated but still, these well wishes are from the bottom of my heart. (^_^)
Here's wat I have been busy with that had kept me away from updating my blog:
On 20th January, I realised there were "pimples" on my chin, 3 lined up diagonally in a column. I din't take it to heart cos I tot maybe I was just heaty. The "pimples" subsided the next day but new ones surfaced on my palm and some portion of my arms. Itchy? Yes, but still I din't think it was serious as I tot they would subside so shouldn't be a problem. IT WAS A PROBLEM... This persisted for several days, every day I wake up finding new bites on my body and obviously they were not pimples. Some were very itchy and swelled up.

I finally told my mother about it and we concluded that it might well be bed bugs. My father's room was infested before and now's my turn. So we decided to tear down the built-in furniture in my room to resolve the bed bugs problem and I suggested tearing down the ones in my brother's room as well since it was a matter of time his room may get the infestation. It had been almost 14 years... Of course, I paid for the tearing down, the paintworks and the furniture for both my brother's and my room. ~,~'" Then I understand why God wanted me to pay back my father's bills "little by little, step by step"... He knew this was going to happen, and if I had paid for my father's bills all at one go, I may have to sleep with the bed bugs longer and feed them till they are all fat and ugly. Praise the Lord! (Anyway, I paid off another card of my dad's and applied for funds transfer for him. The other bills have lessen through the monthly payments I made and my dad is able to manage them himself through funds transfer and paying them religiously monthly. I just hope and pray that he would do as he said he would.)
This is the challenging part: It was near CNY when this happened and I practically had to race against time to do all the refurbishing of my room. I wanted to get my room done by CNY if not it would be tedious when my relatives come visit during the festive season. Miraculously, I trust it was God's favour, the 装修/油漆师傅 whom we approach are right on the job! Today, we called, tommorow they came and completed the work in one day respectively.
Then my family went to IKEA to shop for furniture. We met with another problem. Even if we buy the furniture before CNY, delivery could only be done on the 11th Feb. We couldn't wait that long of course, my living room's packed with all the stuff in my brother's and my room. Luckily, my father runs a bus company. He called his driver to come with his 44-seater bus and helped us moved the furniture to my house. Lalala~ Praise the Lord!
Oh yes, I missed out a point. Before shopping for the furniture, I actually prayed that there would be items on promotion so that I can get furniture at discounted price. Then there is this TV bench that I wanted which is priced at $249 but the colour that I wanted was out of stock. I actually planned to settle for my second option for a TV bench. Then it occured to me that there are two on display! Maybe I could ask them to sell me one as an "As-Is" item? And I did, I got the TV bench that I wanted at $160. Praise God again! (^_^) There were some defects of course, just scratches acutally, but I got them all covered up. Hehehe! I'm blessed and happy.
Here's my room: Before and After.

Neat right?? Nice right??? Hehehe! =p
流过汗水得来的果食分外甜美 \(^o^)/
Note the Garfield stickers at the different corners of my room. There's a meaning for them to be where they are orh! You can decipher for yourself what they represent. (^_^) Those above are just a few to show you, there are more in my room. Hehehe!

As you know, IKEA furniture have to be assembled. Before I bought the furniture, I actually had lunch with two sisters and we were sharing how God is "dismantling our lives",I used the exact word, "dismantling". Do you know how tedious it is to dismantle and reassemble? I experienced it while assembling my furniture. Used a wrong screw for a certain hole, had to unscrew it and redo it. Just a small screw and foil the whole furniture. It's just like how some small part of our life went wrong and God is willing to go through the trouble to dismantle that and reassemble it again. It's REALLY VERY tedious. And God wants me to experience the very experience he wants me to go through, to learn, to understand. 这也应证了我所坚信的:未曾经历过,你可能“懂”但绝对无法“了解”。
What a long post... Naturally after not blogging for so long I suppose... So that's what I've been busy with admist of work. =。=" Btw, caught the movies I wanted to watch but had no time out of my busy schedule at a go during the free times in the weekdays this week. Lalala~^u^~ Watched "Atonement" today. Had been wanting to watch it ever since I read its review even before it start its run till now when it is ending its run. Hahaha! Glad I watched it. Happy.
If you are a thinker even when watching a movie, then you may enjoy Atonement.
Directed by Jim Wright, the director for Pride and Prejudice. Kiera Knightly blossoms under him. (^_^)
认清楚真挚的 爱