I just prayed for my brother, laying hands on him and by the power of the holy spirit, he teared. I do not know how he felt because his friend came right after the prayer so we stopped our conversation.
My brother and I had not been talking since... so long I can't even remember when. Even when my father went through the surgery, I only spoke to him when needed. My heart was hardened. Then there was one day when church service talked about forgiveness, it struck me that I should forgive my brother for the hurts he caused. Yes, he actually caused me hurt without me even identifying. (That's the reason why I do not want to talk to him.)
Why can God forgive us and sent Jesus to love us and even die for us but I cannot forgive my brother for the hurts he caused? What grounds have I got? What rights have I got? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Ever since that sermon at least half a month ago, the holy spirit has been prompting me to talk to my brother and pray for him. So I did, ask some seemed-to-be-concerned question and sort of 'talk' to him. Pray for him on my own but not aloud for him in front of him. And yes, I remembered when I prayed aloud for my mother a month ago, I swore that I would pray aloud for my brother one day. And yes again, I had a vision when my father was in the hospital that I would pray for my family aloud one day. BUT I have been putting it off. I was afraid, scared that I'm not strong enough to pray for them in front of them. I prayed and have been praying for them on my own, isn't that sufficient? Obviously not!
So I put it off. I prayed though, for God to arm me with courage and strength so that then, I can pray for them aloud. But as I was worshipping the Lord just now, he showed me:
1) Pray, and help will be on its way!
2) God is a potter, allow him to take me and mould me, use me and fill me!
3) God breathes in me and I will rise on eagle's wings!
I have to let go! I thought I did but I did not actually. I have to let go and let God! Allow God to work in me and mould me, use me. By His power, I will be victorious! Hallelujah! By His strength, will my weakness become strong! Hallelujah! He is my rock, I will not falter!
I knelt and bowed down to Him, admitting my foolishness and weakness. Therefore, after my worship, I went to talk to my brother. He was willing to talk and we were conversing! Feels weird but a conversation. Wow! After so many years. Then I prayed for him and amazingly, words that came out from my mouth was from the holy spirit, I was able to pray for him as what he needed, what God knows he needed. Hallelujah! And he teared. Holy Spirit has indeed touch his heart.
I will hope and pray that one day he will go to church. And through him may my mother's heart be soften for the Holy Spirit to work... my mother has a soft spot for my brother. Praise the Lord!
My dear friends, fix your eyes upon Jesus. Do not see what you can do but what God can do! \(^_^)/