Thursday, October 18, 2007


Haven't been blogging... Busy with work lately. Honestly, I'm not as into this drama as compared to the previous one. Someone said that's because it's not my FIRST drama anymore. Maybe... I think it's bcos of the drama genre... Well, anywayz, shooting is still on going.

Had a sudden urge to go for a haircut today, so I went. At first, it was not as short as wat it had become now. Then, after colouring my hair into gold without bleaching, my hairstylist said the previous red colour was too over-powering for the gold and there was no way to get rid of it without bleaching.

Strange.... I tot the red worn of long ago. Apparently the underlying redness was relentless in staying in my hair. I insist on not bleaching my hair though. So then, my hairstylist said she would trim away the red ends for me as much as possible. By the time I know it, my hair was short. How short? SHORT short! There is still some redness on the fringe but there was no way to cut any shorter. So well, I'll treat it as a highlight. Now I look like a boy... (~_~) It's not that I've never cut this short before, just that it has been quite a while since I see myself this way. I'm even thinking of changing my spects to match the way I look now. See how...

When I took the first look at myself, the finished 'product', the first thought that I had was a reminder of my ex.... similar hairstyle. .......... *sigh* 感情其实很简单,复杂的是人…… 当初若非爱得深,如今可能比较容易忘记吧?I heard a song while browsing the web just now, reminded me again. I sent a friend bck home yesterday nite, drove past a place that we often met in the past... reminded me again. *sigh* 忘记你不如忘记自己~

ANYWAYSSSSS, here are my SHORT short hair pics. Wahaha!

With Spects

Disgusted...... Act cute.......

Without Spects
(I dun even recognise myself)

Cool look..... WAHHHHH~

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