*phew* I'm glad it was yesterday! So much things happened plus the insufficient sleep made me sleep for over 12 hours from 9plus last night dozing off on my desk in my room till this morning 11am. Whahaha! I'm a pig! o^_^o
Had studio filming from 2130-2430 the night before yesterday but only managed to begin filming at 2200 becos the previous group overran. I was quite worried that I might not be able to finish filming or overrun till late as I have to wake up early yesterday to attend the opening ceremony for my new project. (Yes, I haven't finish filming the current project but my next project is starting. ~_~) While waiting for the previous group to handover, I can only murmur and pray, "God, multiply my time! Multiply my time! God, multiply my time!" And praise the Lord, I finished shooting everything that was scheduled and only overran 10 minutes! Lalala! (^_^) Glory be to God!
Woke at 6plus to attend the opening ceremony of my new project. *_* Tired. BUT reading the Word at the start of the day gives me energy and peace that I need. (I can be real grumpy and nasty when I have insfficient sleep, esp upon waking up.) There was a bad jam in PIE, probably an accident and I was worried that I will be late. I pray again, "God, clear the jam so that I can reach in time and not be a bad testimony by being late." Hahaha! The jam did clear in a while and I was able to reach in time. Upon alighting the taxi, I was still able to tell the cab driver how to get out. (He wasn't familiar with the routes and had a bad sense of hearing, I had to repeat my instructions twice to direct him to Mediacorp. I'm glad I did not flare up or even be upset with him. (^_^) Praise and glory to God!)

The opening ceremony was held in a temple in Toa Payoh. I'm actually quite burdened to see only a small percentage of the group who are in the family of Christ. Most of the group took incense to pray and some are free thinkers...
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." (Matt 9:37) Hope I'll be able to plant as many seeds as I can and let God make them grow. Hope that it will not be my burden but the burden of Christ, for He has carried the cross for us all. It shall not be my strength nor my work but the love and grace of God. I can do everything THROUGH him who gives my strength. (Phil 4:13)
Lalala... I'm blessed and happy! (^_^)
This drama is called 心花朵朵开, let it be 神的果子朵朵开!Hahaha!
I reached home about 5plus in the evening, just as I open the window of my room, I hear someone shouting hysterically, “他爸爸跌倒了!帮忙叫ambulance! ” Then there was reply from the void deck that they have already called the ambulance. I looked down... Oh god! An old man was lying unconcious at the foot of stairs. Clearly, he had fallen. He is from my block, living on the 9th floor though I do not know him personally.
Immediately I raised my hand and started praying for him and his family, for the ambulance to reach asap and for the traffic to be smooth, for God to send someone to the hospital if he has not yet know Christ, for him to be saved not just in the flesh but in his spirit.
As the ambulance arrived around 10minutes after, the paramedics lifted him onto the stretcher and sent him to the hospital. There was a bit of regret in me after the ambulance left: Why din't I go down personally to pray for the uncle? Why did I just pray from afar? ... ...
I then went to bathe. After my shower, my mother immediately tell me about the trouble my uncle (who is a driver in my father's company) has created. He did not take the attendence of the students who were supposed to board his bus and a primary student had gone missing. (The school calls for a meeting with him and my father today.) The parents alarmed the police and my uncle had to be interrogated and he was not able to fetch the 5pm workers. The astonishing part was that my father wanted to fetch the workers after knowing the situation! The doctor said he is not suppose to drive for 6 months. Not a car, moreover a bus!!!
By God's grace, the kid called the parents in the nick of time and my uncle can make it to fetch the workers. I was so angry with my father I reprimanded him. Even if my uncle cannot make it he should not want to drive! What if something really happens while he was driving, it is not just his own life but the life of all the passengers he is putting a risk. We do not know what can happen, you cannot deny this fact. The doctor said you cannot drive for six months that means you cannot! If you can be your own doctor, then what do we need doctors for? Worse comes to worst, just ring up the workers i/c and ask them to take cab and we shall reimburse them.
There are so many unexpected incidents around me recently I just cannot think that they do not concern me...
Then at night after dinner my mother told me to have a talk with my father one of these days. She was lamenting my father's unheeding attitude and his conversation with his RC friends to want to join them for meals outside after the wound on his legs has healed. Her tone and her laments... I'm weary... My parents just don't communicate to each other, their conversations are limited to skin-deep... I do not know how long I can allow this to go on while continuing to encourage them to communicate to each other. My encouragement sometimes can turn to begging. (sigh)
Strengthen me O Lord! Deliver me from my worries and my burdens!
I fell asleep on my desk while reading the Word for advice... Thank God that he actually granted me sleep while reading His word, a peaceful sleep till this morning. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28)
God is good! All the time! And all the time, God is good! (^_^)
I'm blessed and happy!